Sunday, May 17, 2009

An exceptional Toastmaster's session

It was a memorable Mother's day gift for me when my daughter raise her hand and volunteered to do the table topic. I've never felt that surge of pride running through my veins as she walked up the stage and took up the question. We were equally nervous. The question posed to her was 'If you have a Million Ringgit in your hand, what would you do'. I was was she. She fumbled a bit, got her compose and there she went....blasting her expected teenage style, which was so refreshing to the club. We haven't had as young as a 13 year old lass as our visitor for as long as I could remember.She clearly inspired the 30s and 40 year old visitor with her sheer courage.

I am a believer of Toastmaster's program.I've seen how a meek, soft spoken young lady transforms into a confident speaker and a humorous one through the safe and supportive environment created by Toastmaster.

And the best part of the day was when my daughter was voted the best Table topic Speaker....You go girl!

SOHOMum Tip: If you struggle with being in the public, talking about your business, presenting and communicating, Toastmasters is a definite answer.That's where I grow up!

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